The Youth Mentoring Network


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Upskilling Young Kaimahi initiative - successfully launched

Training and development workshops for young people supporting young people 

The Government’s Youth Plan, launched at the INVOLVE 2023 conference, outlined targeted support for young people. As part of this work the NZ Youth Mentoring Network alongside Ara Taiohi have created a workshop that aims to upskill young people in youth development and mentoring.

In March we ran our first 2 day session, working with over 90 university students who are involved in a project to support Year 13 students on their pathway to tertiary study. The workshop encouraged a deep understanding of Mana Taiohi, the youth development framework and the uptake of effective mentoring skills. It was a really positive start to our collaboration with Ara Taiohi, and we are looking forward to working with other groups of young people around the motu.  

Read more:  Upskilling Young Kaimahi flyer

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