Noting Sad Anniversaries
It is with a profound sense of gratitude and loss that NZYMN places on record the 2024 passing of two outstanding former trustees. Fuimaono Taulauniu Norman Tuiasau died on March 7 after a long illness, while Fa’anana Efeso Collins died suddenly on February 21.
The lives of both men were exemplary expressions of the Samoan ideal of tautua (service), with Fuimaono remaining active until the very end in leadership roles, including co-chairing the Great Potentials Foundation, while Efeso had shared inspirational messaging with all of Aotearoa, in his maiden speech to parliament, a few days before his death:
"If I was to inspire anyone by getting to this House, I hope it’s the “square pegs” the misfits, the forgotten, the unloved, the invisible – it’s the dreamers who want more, who expect more, who are impatient for change and have this uncanny ability to stretch us further."
The best memorial is for the work to endure! NZYMN will do all in our power to uphold and maintain their legacy over the course of this year and into the future.
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